Two new release candidates has been released this week, if there are no regressions found, the final releases are coming next week! We said it last week as well 😁
27 people helped to make Rails better this week with 7 of them for the first time! If you want to be one of them, checkout the issues list, help is always welcomed!
Active Record no longer manages the bind parameters required for queries. Now Arel handles it on it's own and returns the AST and bind params together.
Rails 5.1 introduced ActiveSupport::Duration::Scalar class as a wrapper around a numeric value as a way of ensuring a duration was the outcome of an expression. However the implementation was missing support for modulo operations. This is now fixed.
This fixes a regression where result of division by duration was not returning Numeric result. It is now restored to the previous behavior of Rails 5.1.1 and prior.
That's all for this week, as always, we couldn't cover all of the changes, but feel free to check the commits if you are interested. Until next week!
This Week in Rails · 30 N Racine #200 · Chicago IL 60607 · USA