Happy new year! How was your holiday break? Did you receive nice presents? In case you missed it, Ruby 2.4.0 was released on Christmas day so if you haven't done it yet… rbenv install 2.4.0 right now!
Array#sum was defined in Rails with a monkey-patch. Ruby 2.0 introduced refinements for better encapsulation. This is the first PR where they are being used in rails/rails.
In Ruby 2.4, NilClass, FalseClass, TrueClass, Symbol and Numeric all support dup. For consistency, duplicable? will now return true for all these classes.
The way in which a nil JSON payload is stored in a database was inadvertently changed in Rails 5.0. This fix maps nil to SQL NULL, exactly as how it was in Rails 4.x.
By now, you should have already dropped any reference to Rake's db:test:clone, Configuration's serve_static_files and static_cache_control and ActiveRecord's uniq, uniq!, uniq_value, insert_sql, update_sql, delete_sql.
Wrapping up
That's it from Claudio. I hope you enjoyed this issue. And now… let me go back to writing my RailsConf proposal… I only have 14 days left to submit a good talk!