Welcome to the fifth issue of This week in Rails, your weekly inside scoop of interesting commits, pull requests and more from Rails.
OMG, it's been five amazing weeks already, thank you for all your support! I have learned so much by curating this newsletter and I really hope you'll find it useful :)
We had a bit of delivery hiccup last week – if you haven't received issue #4, you'll probably find it in your spam folder. The issue has been resolved now, big thanks to my team at Brewhouse for the assistance.
After a very thorough and rigorous RC process, Rails 4.1.0 has finally been released to the world. This release carries over 5,200 commits and a ton of awesomefeatures that builds on top of the solid foundation of Rails 4.0.
Over 606 contributors joined forces together to help make Rails 4.1.0 a reality. Have you left your mark yet? If not, I'm looking forward to seeing your name here in the future!
@rafaelfranca and 31 others are already getting a head start on the next release of Rails. Please join me in thanking all these awesome people who dedicated their time to help improve the framework we love <3 <3 <3
With Rails 4.1.0 released, the 3.2 release series will only receive patches for severe security issues. You should upgrade your apps soon if you are still on one of those releases.
Using bounded VARCHAR types on these databases has no benefits at all, so Rails will not include a default limit of 255 when creating string columns. See the pull request for more details.
Good news for those who work in the music industry – as a result of this change, you can now have a singular relationship (has_one or belongs_to) called record.
@mikeperham is collecting a list of unofficial events happening during RailsConf. Hosting a boardgames night or a karaoke contest? You should let Mike know!
Wrapping Up
And that's it for this issue of This week in Rails, I hope you enjoyed it! As always, there are a lot more interesting things happening on Rails than I can cover here, so I encourage you to check them out!
If you have any feedback for me, please feel free to email me or let me know on twitter!