This week's top contributor is @rafaelfranca! Please join me in thanking Rafael and all these awesome people who dedicated their time to help improve Rails! <3 <3 <3
@rafaelfranca worked on a script to notify various open-source projects such as Spree and Discourse about new RC releases to help discover regressions.
An often overlooked Ruby convention – methods such as to_str, to_arr and to_hash implies that the object "acts like" the corresponding type and are used for implicit conversions; on the other hand, methods like to_s, to_a and to_h offers explicit conversion.
If you are not familiar with it, BohConf is an inexpensive "unconference" event running in parallel with RailsConf. Not much details are available at this point, but you can check out the BohConf event page from RailsConf 2012 to get an idea.
The conference group rate discount has been extended through next Friday. Better act soon if you are interested!
Wrapping up
And that's it for this issue of This week in Rails, I hope you enjoyed it! As always, there are a lot more interesting things happening on Rails than I can cover here, so I encourage you to check them out!
If you have any feedback for me, please feel free to email me or let me know on twitter!