Okay, not really. But this week marked Aaron's 4087-th commit in the Rails repository which was the previous record held by @jeremy.
Although the commit count is an easy metric to gather, it is probably one of the least useful proxy for quantifying the amount of time, effort and love these people have put into this framework.
Please take a moment today and express your gratitude towards these heroes who made our jobs so much easier (and fun)!
These are security releases containing only the patches that are relevant to fixing the disclosed vulnerabilities, without other unrelated bug fixes, features, etc. Please upgrade as soon as possible!
Please thank @rafaelfranca, @tenderlove, @senny and the 30 other contributors who made the framework we love even better this week, hope to see you there next time!
@senny wrote these excellent guides about the "new" PostgreSQL features – you can see them rendered here.
By the way, there are many other "new" features with sparse guides coverage, so it would be great to have you come onboard and help fill some of those gaps!
If your association is defined with a custom scope that takes an argument (the record), naturally they cannot be joined or eager-loaded correctly. This patch detects and warn about those instances.
This restored the functionality of Relation#join (e.g. .where(...).join(...)) to the expected Array behaviour for the 4.1 release series. If you have such code in your app, a temporary work around is to do add a to_a after the relation before 4.1.2 comes out.
The previous deprecated require path, active_support/core_ext/object/to_json has been removed from master. This is also a periodic reminder that you can use config.active_support.deprecation = :raise to aggressively find and clean up deprecated code (docs). Not something I'd recommend doing in production of course!
While improving the documentation, @schneems stumbled upon a bug in the code, and submitted a fix for it. If you are looking for ways to start contribute to Rails, this seems like an excellent path to follow!
I know I'm a week late, but may the fourth be always with you! Resist the urge to comment though, as it will create a lot of noise for the 1500 subscribers of this repository :)
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Wrapping up
And that's it for this issue of This week in Rails. As always, there are a lot more interesting things happening on Rails than I can cover here, so I encourage you to check them out!
If you have any feedback for me, please feel free to email me or let me know on twitter!
Thank you for reading! <3 <3 <3
P.S. If you liked what you read, please share this newsletter with your Rails friends!