Faced problem with queries fetching thousands of records and slowing everything? Now you will get a nice warning if the query fetches more number of records than configured value by using active_record.warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than config option.
Do you remember the old friend alias_method_chain? It had a good run. But now it will be deprecated in Rails 5 in favor of Module#prepend which was introduced in Ruby 2.0.
If you were missing your job class in the Sidekiq logs and instead seeing some weird ActiveJob::JobWrapper, don't worry. Now you will get your job class back in the logs because ActiveJob will pass the wrapped class name back to Sidekiq.
Previously, while joining tables having has_many :through association, Active Record was not using the actual table name. It was generating wrong SQL and resulting into ActiveRecord::InvalidStatement error when used with calculation methods like #count. No need to worry, its fixed now!
Previously if the table name was made singular using ActiveRecord::Base.pluaralize_table_names = false, name of the fixture file getting generated was still pluralized. No longer true! Get singular fixture file for singular table name now onwards.
That's all for This week in Rails. As always, there are more changes than we have room to cover here, but feel free to check them out yourself!
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