This week's top contributors include @rafaelfranca, @tenderlove and @senny. Big thanks you to these 45 contributors who helped improve our framework this week. Hope to see you on the list next time! <3 <3 <3
Aaron Patterson silently embarked on his Journey to improve Action Pack. From what I can tell, he is going down the path of improving performance of our URL helpers.
Now you will have access to the controller name and action name in the fragment caching instrumentation payload. If you are collecting these metrics it should help you better analysis your application's caching performance/hotspots.
If you upgraded to Rails 4.1 and you ran the rake rails:update task, it might have generated an initializer file called cookies_serializer.rb. By default, it carries the config value :json, which is incompatible with existing cookies and might cause an error for your visitors.
This has now been corrected and will be released with the next patch release on the 4.1 branch. When upgrading an existing application, the value you want is probably :marshal or :hybrid. Consult the upgrade guides for details.
You should not be using uniq, group, having or offset together with delete_all as those options are ignored by the query generator. This now raises an error instead.
On Rails 4.1+, these columns maps to a plain Ruby Hash with String keys instead of a HashWithIndifferentAccess, so you should always access its content with String keys or otherwise convert them manually.
Wrapping up
And that's it for this issue of This week in Rails. As always, there are a lot more interesting things happening on Rails than I can cover here, so I encourage you to check them out!
If you have any feedback for me, please feel free to email me or let me know on twitter!
Thank you for reading! <3 <3 <3
P.S. If you liked what you read, please share this newsletter with your Rails friends!